#Thatblackgirltravels to RUSSIA: Day 6 - Moscow
Spent the day walking around. I was headed to Red Square. Decided to walk the 35.min journey instead of taking a bus/taxi. Directions are super easy to follow as in Moscow most junctions have a 'You are here' map similar to London.
I got there to find it was closed to visitors due to a parade but was lucky enough to get a few pictures. Then I went into the GUM shopping centre (Moscow's Harrod's) and pretended to be super rich and tried on all the clothes with no intention of buying! Sorry, Fendi staff!
I also had the famous traditional Russian ice-cream. I spent the rest of the day wandering about town intentionally getting lost in the streets. I asked for directions back to Red Square when I was ready and then headed back to my hotel. All on foot.
I did get the tour bus ticket but spent most of my time off it 😂
After all that walking, I needed a swim and a lie-down! The architecture is so beautiful and the roads so wide its STUNNING!